It has often been said that life is a journey. I believe that landscape imagery can also be a narrative journey rather than merely a snapshot of the world around us. The questions about an image—where does it live? who are its neighbors? what is its context? have always intrigued me. With this in mind, I have developed a concept model that offers answers to these and other questions that surround a single image. Just as we move though space and time, so too do we move through the landscape toward a goal yet surrounded by that which is obscured, receding, and brought back into view. We experience that which is and yet is not. This concept model employs a certain lacuna suggesting that which we we do see. The wide edges of these panels are meticulously rendered, encouraging the viewer to examine the relationship between the panels by approaching the painting from either side, thus becoming an important element to the composition of each panel. Interestingly, like sculpture, the entirety of the panel is never revealed from a single point of perspective. I have explored this concept through both scale and orientation. Some projects are as small as three panels and others consist of more than twenty. Each project finds its genesis en plein air and I will often visit the same motif several times to ensure a consistent authenticity.